Jigsaw Obsession Blog

Using AI to have a bit of fun creating puzzles
It’s possible to use AI to have a bit of fun creating jigsaw puzzle designs. This post describes the immortalisation of some of Scotland’s favourite animals by favourite artists – please don’t take this too seriously!

The Wee Scottish Poem is born
There was a gap in the market for Scottish-themed birthday cards, and Jigsaiz has developed a range of Wee Scottish Poems, irreverant 4-line poems within a tartan frame

Waiting for Google – a cautionary tale
Google is the best friend a small business can have. However, if Google chooses not to want to be your friend, or if, no matter hard you wave, Google doesn’t notice you, the world is a very lonely place. Google will, in time, become your best friend, but be ready to loose a lot of sleep in the meantime.

The Joy of the Unexpected
Sometimes the strangest things can spark a new design. It can be a chance remark, or, in the case of lucky hedgehogs, custom made holes in our boundary fence to allow unfettered passage to our spiny friends.

Capturing AI for graphic design
AI has been the focus of much vitriol in the media in the last couple of years. However, carefully and honestly used, AI can help a small business create designs easily and quickly, and to a level of skill quite unattainable in any other circumstances. We’ve used AI to create a range of art-lover birthday puzzles.

Strange Requests
Although Jigsaiz now has more than 700 designs available, we’re often asked for something we don’t have. Bears of all kinds? You’d think so, but where’s Australia’s favourite? And how about Happy Birthday from the Dog? Well, we’ve got you covered …

The Wonders of Adobe Photoshop’s “Colorize” Neural Filter
Part of the art of creating effective jigsaw puzzles with a message is making sure that the image itself speaks to the puzzler. In our “inspiring women” series, we used Adobe Photoshop’s Colorize Neural Filter to bring 100 year old images to life.

Small Jigsaw, Big Message
Small greetings jigsaws are an ideal way to deliver big messages, because often these big messages resonate most with individuals. International Women’s Day is an ideal time to celebrate amazing women everywhere.

Old Habits Die Hard
We used to run a research compnay back in the day, and we decided to spice up some of our web pages with fun facts. This post brings you some fun facts about Valentine’s Day, including proof (really) of the fact that Scots really have a romantic streak!

Small is beautiful
Jigsaiz puzzles are small, have 35 pieces, and are about 5″ by 7″ when built. This post describes how we made sure our customers understand that our puzzles are primarily for adults and older children, not small kids!

Copyright on 200 year old artworks – seriously?
I have no problem with copyright, and like many other creatives, benefit from its protection. What I do object to is the use of copyright by large art institutions to create a revenue stream from works where the artist died hundreds of years ago.

So, what is a jigsaw puzzle greeting card anyway?
Jigsaiz jigsaw puzzles are different. For the recipient, the message has to come as a surprise, but the need then to have no guide picture on the box presented us as designers with some challenges. This post is about how we addressed these, and produced a product that maintains the element of surprise!

Jigsaw Obsession – scattered pieces from the mind of a crafter of jigsaw puzzles
Jigsaw puzzles are an obsession for many people, including me. We’ve created a new kind of puzzle, the greeting card puzzle! The size of a greeting card, but the fun of a jigsaw puzzle. This is my blog about the joys and frustrations of creating greeting card jigsaw puzzles!