Waiting for Google – a cautionary tale

Google is the best friend a small business can have. However, if Google chooses not to want to be your friend, or if, no matter hard you wave, Google doesn’t notice you, the world is a very lonely place. Google will, in time, become your best friend, but be ready to loose a lot of sleep in the meantime.
Old Habits Die Hard

We used to run a research compnay back in the day, and we decided to spice up some of our web pages with fun facts. This post brings you some fun facts about Valentine’s Day, including proof (really) of the fact that Scots really have a romantic streak!
Small is beautiful

Jigsaiz puzzles are small, have 35 pieces, and are about 5″ by 7″ when built. This post describes how we made sure our customers understand that our puzzles are primarily for adults and older children, not small kids!
Jigsaw Obsession – scattered pieces from the mind of a crafter of jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are an obsession for many people, including me. We’ve created a new kind of puzzle, the greeting card puzzle! The size of a greeting card, but the fun of a jigsaw puzzle. This is my blog about the joys and frustrations of creating greeting card jigsaw puzzles!