Much has been written in the last couple of years about the positive and malign influence of artificial intelligence. For a few months, we’ve been experimenting with using some of the freely available AI tools to try to create effective jigsaw puzzles.
Neither of us is a particularly skilled artist, and, to be frank, we often need all the help we can get in creating designs! We were lucky enough to participate in the Dall.E experimental programme before it was fully rolled out and this allowed us the time to get the hang of how it worked. More recently, we’ve also been using the various algorithms available through the NightCafe web portal.
I have to say that at their best, these AI tools do produce pretty good graphic design. However in the interests of full disclosure, I also have to report that all of the tools are capable of producing the most unmitigated rubbish! One of our early lessons was to make sure, before using any image, that no one pictured has three arms, two heads or has otherwise been morphed with a horse, hedgehog or even, in one case, a house.
Most of the graphic design used in articles about AI tends to focus on fantasy worlds and that’s probably what the tools are strongest at creating. However, we’ve had some success in creating what we think are pretty good “art” designs.
The first design was created using Dall:e’s algorithm and features an image of a woman and cocktail paraphernalia in the general style of the cubists.

More recently, our efforts have become more sophisticated, just as the sophistication of the tools has improved. We’ve developed a range of “art-lover” puzzles which have sold very well on Etsy, particularly the pastiche of a Charles Rennie Macintosh stained glass window. Here are a number of examples:

At the end of the day, there is no real substitute for talent! However, the reality is that, as in so many fields, AI can play a role in helping small businesses like ours create graphics quickly, and with the level of craft far in advance of anything we could do ourselves