One of the good things about making customised and personalised jigsaws, rather than buying them off the shelf, is that you can adapt the message to say anything you like (and, believe me, we’ve had some strange requests!)
Over the last year, we’ve created a lot of greeting puzzles with what you might call “traditional” messages – things like “happy birthday”, “happy anniversary”, “get well” etc. All the things you might ordinarily see on greeting cards, albeit always with an eye to the quirky in execution. If the greeting exists, chances are we’ve made it into a jigsaw!
Thinking about different messages
But we’ve also realised that there’s room for some “less traditional” messages. Some of the things you might want to say, but might not find so readily on cards – like messages of encouragement, or empowerment, or self-belief.
And there are even wider messages about huge, important issues like promoting equality and challenging discrimination, which are global issues, which also resonate for many of us at an individual level. But you don’t often find them on cards.
So, we thought, why not put some of these big messages on our small jigsaws?
International Women’s Day
And, with International Women’s Day coming up on the 8th of March, there are plenty of big messages to choose from. So, we thought we’d start with one about celebrating amazing women everywhere, because that’s what IWD is all about, and this is the jigsaw we developed.

IWD is also a chance for all of us to tell the important women in our own lives just how amazing they are. So, we created some puzzles (including the two below) to do just that (featuring our own IWD tartan and custom frame).

Inspiring women
We’ve also taken some women’s empowerment quotes from some of the most inspiring women of the 20th and 21st centuries and put them onto jigsaws. We can’t feature all of them here, but here are three examples of what I mean:

Again, these resonate for lots of women at an individual level, so we thought they’d make great messages to put on puzzles.
They could also be good as icebreakers or joint tasks for women’s groups, or to celebrate their successes or achievements.
The power of the small jigsaw
And, although obviously we’re biased(!), we think a small jigsaw is a great way to deliver a big message!

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